
Wednesday 18 March 2015

A LONG delay in progress...

The last time i posted here Jaydens jeep had just been brought back to the garage. Unfortunately it is still here. I finally got the motor wired up and.... only 1 motor of the 4 works. After months of waiting for a parts vehicle to come along (as new motors are $50/piece) Marty finally just said "is there any way under $100 we can get this thing to move". YES! A spark went off as I recall a couple projects i had seen online using RC motors. Traxxas sells a 550 motor slightly more powerful than a stock power wheels motor for $25 a piece and they apparently fit perfectly. Because they are different we will need 4 of them. I had initially thought pinions would be easy to find.... NOT! Now the only issue will be removing the pinions from the stock motors and "fingers crossed" the traxxas 550s have the same diameter shaft. Tomorrow I will be picking up some 550s and making a stop at Racerocks auto to see if the pros can help me get the pinions off without damage (something I have failed to do in the past).

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